Leiria hosts on the 27th, 28th and 29th of September 2024, the 11th edition of Leiria Sobre Rodas, the participation of several truly sacred machines for lovers of two and four wheels.
More than 70,000 people visited the event in 2023.
Leiria Sobre Rodas is already one of the largest national events for the exhibition of classic vehicles - with areas dedicated to competition and exhibitions featuring the presence of National and International Pilots - and also features Leiria Motorshow, conferences, a commercial space that includes Automobilia and new and super sports vehicles.
We invite you to participate in the 7th edition of the Automobilia Fair in 2024.

Leiria recebe, de 13 a 16 de outubro de 2022, a 7.ª edição do Leiria Sobre Rodas, que contará com várias atividades e momentos emblemáticos como é o caso da icónica Feira de Automobilia.
Neste certame, poderá comprar todo o tipo de peças de automobilia, nomeadamente, peças de automóveis, miniaturas, objetos de moda, livros e até lifestyle. Venha conhecer as surpresas que estamos a preparar!
Convidamo-lo a participar nesta que já é a 5ª Edição da Feira de Automobilia.
MotorShow LSR
13 OUT – Track Day
14 OUT – Drift Show
15 e 16 OUT – Super Especial
13 OUT – Conferência
13 a 16 OUT – Mostra de Veículos Históricos | Leiria Expo Auto [Veículos Novos]
14 a 16 OUT – Feira de Automobilia
16 OUT – Passeio de Clássicos
Technical Data Sheet
Municipality of Leiria
Tourism and Events Division
244 839 500
Municipal Stadium of Leiria
Dr. Magalhães Pessoa
Leiria - Portugal
September 28th from 9H to 18H
September 29th from 09H to 13H
During the event:
September 29th from 15H to 24H
September 30th from 10H to 01H
October 1st from 10H to 19H
October 1st from 20H to 24H
Space Request and respective Payment:
From May 19th until August 31st;
Closing of Registrations:
The closing date for registrations may be brought forward if the available commercial spaces are full.

Registration Form
Register now
(1)O valor acima mencionado acresce IVA a taxa legal em vigor;
(2)Alojamento gratuito limitado a 70 camas (camarata), máximo 2 por stand, sem roupa de cama e com Duche;
(3)A atribuição será confirmada pela Organização. Se existir mais do que um pedido por espaço, o mesmo, será atribuído de acordo com a data da recepção da ficha;
LSR Form (events, data for event registration, data for insurance purposes, newsletters and website)
The Municipality of Leiria is committed to the privacy and security of personal information of each participant. The data collected in this form shall only be used for the purposes outlined above, solely and exclusively by the Municipality of Leiria and shall not be transferred to any third party. Under the terms of the Law, you may, at any time, request access and changes to your data, withdraw the consent given in this form or request the total removal/oblivion of your data, by sending an email with the respective request to: leiriasobrerodas@cm-leiria.pt